Friday, 15 June 2012

Could environmental factors contribute to obesity?

ScienceDaily has an article Environmental Factors Spread Obesity, Study Shows that documents a study looking into whether environmental factors might be contribute to the "obesity epidemic" in the USA:
An international team of researchers' study of the spatial patterns of the spread of obesity suggests America's bulging waistlines may have more to do with collective behavior than genetics or individual choices. The team, led by City College of New York physicist HernĂ¡n Makse, found correlations between the epidemic's geography and food marketing and distribution patterns.

"We found there is a relationship between the prevalence of obesity and the growth of the supermarket economy," Professor Makse said. "While we can't claim causality because we don't know whether obesity is driven by market forces or vice versa, the obesity epidemic can't be solved by focus on individual behavior."

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