Sunday, 13 May 2012

Why the best in drama is coming from TV

Edward Jay Epstein in Role Reversal: Why TV Is Replacing Movies As Elite Entertainment looks at why TV is now producing the best in elite entertainment:
Once upon a time, over a generation ago, The television set was commonly called the “boob tube” and looked down on by elites as a purveyors of mind-numbing entertainment. Movie theaters, on the other hand, were considered a venue for, if not art, more sophisticated dramas and comedies. Not any more. The multiplexes are now primarily a venue for comic-book inspired action and fantasy movies, whereas television, especially the pay and cable channels, is increasingly becoming a venue for character-driven adult programs, such as The Wire, Mad Men, and Boardwalk Empire. This role reversal, rather than a momentary fluke, proceeds directly from the new economic realities of the entertainment business.
It's all down to the economic model of HBO apparently.

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